The Largest Collection of Test Prep for Libraries
Digital study guides, practice tests, and flashcards for over 1,500 different tests

1,500+ Exams Covered

Mometrix eLibrary offers universities and libraries thousands of study materials at a fraction of the cost, in a package customized for your needs.
“ I Couldn’t Be More Pleased ”
“At IU East, we have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our students and tutors who assist them about the Mometrix eLibrary. The library is quite extensive, and the test preparation guides are high quality. I couldn’t be more pleased with the IT and customer IT service provided by Mometrix. The eLibrary has been virtually problem free, and Jay Willis has always responded to our emails in a professional, courteous and timely manner.”
Indiana University East
What is eLibrary?
Mometrix eLibrary is a cloud-based web application that provides access to our entire database of test preparation materials.
The streamlined interface is intuitive, and allows users to quickly find relevant materials for their exam.
Study materials are available anywhere, anytime with unlimited simultaneous access.
“ A Wonderful Addition to Our Collection ”
“I am very pleased to recommend Mometrix Test Preparation and Mometrix eLibrary… The platform is available on-site and remotely to our nearly 700,000 BPL card holders… We evaluate many electronic resources each year and have found Mometrix eLibrary to be a wonderful addition to our collection of career resources… The eLibrary interface is very simple to use and patrons need very little assistance… I have been very happy with the timely and professional responses from Mometrix tech support and our account manager.”
Brooklyn Public Library
Our Catalog
Our database includes over 4,500 study guide, practice test, and flashcard titles, for 1,500+ different exams making Mometrix the most comprehensive test preparation company in the world.
Our Product Development Department works hard to keep our materials aligned with the latest exam standards. Product updates are pushed to Mometrix eLibrary in real time ensuring that users have access to our most up-to-date materials.
Visit our online catalog to view a full list of our titles.
Key Benefits
Here are a few of our most popular features:
Amazing Value
Customizable subscriptions and budget-friendly pricing
Friendly Support
Unlimited customer support with knowledgable staff
Simple Design
Quick setup and a user-friendly interface
Unlimited Access
On-site and remote access for anyone in your library
Learn More
Watch this brief video to learn more about what eLibrary is and how it can benefit your library.
“ The Superior Study Guide Preparation Provider ”
“We discontinued our previous subscription to a competitor’s product because of the depth and breadth of Mometrix’s content. As the largest university in the state in teacher preparation, we were initially interested in Mometrix because of their Illinois Licensure Testing Service (ILTS) basic skills and content area preparation study guides. When we looked into what they had to offer for our education majors, we found that so much of their content aligned with our degree programs – school psychology and nursing – to name just a few…
Decisions about adding, changing or completely dropping databases are complex, but when we compared our previous product to Mometrix, it was evident that Mometrix was the superior study guide preparation provider for our needs.”
Illinois State University
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